MICARO Estate Management specialises in the management of

MICARO Estate Management is a boutique estate management company founded by Michaela Odendaal, a passionate, young individual who values transparency, order, and accessibility.
As a boutique firm, MICARO ensures a personal relationship with all its Trustees and Service Providers as well as ensuring that residents and homeowners are treated with respect and care – and not just like an apartment number.

has become a critical area in the property industry over the years, due to the impact of mismanaged Estates, such as unhappy residents, unmaintained buildings and a drop in the value of your investment. Property has been and still is the best form of investment for many in South Africa, and the upkeep & maintenance of an Estate greatly affects how your property investment behaves.
Our aim is to ensure that the value of the property increases under our management, that rental income is maintained and increasing in value, that operating expenditure is decreased, and vacancies are kept to the minimum if not at all.

MICARO is well aware of what it takes to manage an Estate exceptionally well and what the red flags are to an Estate not being well managed – this experience has led the MICARO team towards creating various processes and systems which ensure every Estate is managed meticulously.
We understand that the function as a Trustee of a Body Corporate or a Director of a Homeowners Association is a mammoth task filled with various moving parts, rules and regulations and people who require individual attention.